Welcome to this thread!
My goal is to maximize my Treasure Hunter,Lucky and Unlucky title and i hope you can help me with that!
IGN: Pypnus Romus
Expert Treasure Hunter 4 (1651 Opened Chests)
Lucky 2 (~198k)
Tragic 4 (~91k)
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SERVICE OFFERED ----------------------------------------
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- Professional and Quick Delivery.
- Every Item will be returned unidentified.
- Choose the Mode: NM or HM
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SERVICE OPTIONS ----------------------------------------
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- You can run with me. (Double your drops and double the fun!)
- Screenshots of runs can be made
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LOCATIONS --------------------------------------------
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Silent Surf
(Jade Sword, Jade Axe, Oni Blade, Paper Fan, Tomes...)
The Mirror Of Lyss
(incsript Items, Tomes...)
Witman's Folly
(Fellblade, Tomes...)
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IMPORTANT INFORMATION ---------------------------------
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- Timezone: GMT + 1.
- I run the following areas and I will add more on a later date.
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CUSTOMERS -------------------------------------------
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- Men in Metal - The Mirror Of Lyss - 17 Lockpicks
(Some Items were: Paragon Elite Tome, req9 Bronze Crusher, req9 Dragon's Breath Wand, 2x req11 Gemstone Axe)